Friday, March 30, 2012

Searching for Sustainable Packaging Companies

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation and is currently in search for a packaging equipment manufacturer who offers eco-friendly packaging solutions, you may not realize the many options available out there. As consumers shift towards brands and products that are environment-friendly and sustainable, the need for corporations to shift to sustainable packaging practices using automatic taping machines and carton sealing tapes is becoming a necessity.

Here are the types of companies that offer different sustainable packaging solutions:

Biodegradable Paper Packaging Companies

Aside from just providing businesses with biodegradable paper containers, sustainable packaging companies now offer design solutions that could greatly reduce the product packaging’s weight. With reduced weight, the packaging becomes lighter, decreasing not only the consumption of resources but also its carbon footprint.

Bio-Plastic Packaging Companies

Groceries and supermarkets are now finding ways to reduce plastic consumption. In some countries, specific days are dedicated to the use of paper bags instead of plastics for groceries. Packaging companies are also shifting towards the use of bio-plastics instead of the more traditional plastic containers. Bio-plastic packaging companies now use biodegradable corn and sugar cane resins, resulting to two types of bio-plastic containers: Polylactic (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), which are very important especially for the food and cosmetics industries.

Recycled Glass Packaging Companies

Glass can be recycled indefinitely, making it extremely popular for sustainable packaging. Eco-friendly glass packaging is also being practiced to reduce carbon footprint and gas emissions, just like paper packaging does. One challenge associated with recycled glass packaging however is the creation of a more durable and sustainable product.

Recycled Aluminum Packaging Companies

There are claims about recycled aluminum as a more durable and sustainable packaging solution. It is said to provide less bulky packaging, attracting eco-friendly packaging companies to create more than just the classic can. The wine industry is one of the largest consumers of recycled aluminum as packaging companies now supply wine producers with bottles made from recycled aluminum. The truth is that wine chills quicker using aluminum bottles so there is an economic benefit to it as well. prides itself in offering eco-friendly packaging solutions. In fact, with taping machines from BestPack, companies use less corrugated boxes by 17% because of the 1.5” elimination on each flap. Find out more by visiting our website.


1 comment:

  1. Custom corrugated boxes are highly durable and hence are used for packaging material.Such sheets are ideal for environment conscious blog on Custom corrugated boxes
